Pontoon boat with trailer and Yamaha 60hp eng. Wanted to rebuild we are the original owners with title for boat and Engine. The truth health and hospice came to early for my husband. Put in new floor and new angle supports and rear 40 gallon gas tank to upgrade this alone was costly. The engine ran great with new water and fuel pumps new prop on and on. New carpet, new vinyl, new tires and has new hubs, so many parts for install. Over the last year I have tried to put everything in a pile anything I could find. The photos due no justice but I will answer any questions I can Basically the best bid wins with the understanding you pick up and remove all parts that go with boat. Please don't bid and not follow through this has been more than I wanted.
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Rawhide terms and Conditions
- Make: sweatwater
- Use: Fresh Water
- Condition: Used
- For Sale By: Private Seller
- Engine Type: Single Outboard
- Trailer: Included
- Year: 1998