New Assembled Revolution Mini 500 Helicopter, All Matching Serial #’s, (0442). Be The First To Fly This New Helicopter ! Might Consider Trade On Real Estate, (No Junk).
Max. Range
225 mi
Cruise Speed
115 mph
Max. Speed
122 mph
Max. rate of Climb
1100 ft/min
HOGE ceiling
0 ft
Service Ceiling
10000 ft
Gross Weight
820 lb
Empty Weigt
330 lb
Useful Load
490 lb
Dynamic system
Fuel Capacity
15 gallons
Number of Engines
Engine Type
Engine Code
Rotax 582
Horse Power
Semi rigid
Number of rotorblades
Rotor Diameter
19 ft
Number of tail rotorblades
Tailrotor Diameter
Two Djinn rotor blades. One could more than likely be made airworthy. The other one I would not hesitate to use as a ground-run system, or maybe even in a low-ground hover. For the one that has some damage on it, the biggest load on the structural part of the blade is centrifugal, whereas the lift loads would be around 1800 lbs. I believe that blade would be capable of carrying that.
I am an A&P, and I've been one for over 50 years and have experience in helicopters, as well as design and building up to airjet helicopters for companies. For the damage you'll see in the photos, the majority of it was done to the non-structural part of the blade assembly. It is about 16-20 thousandths sheet metal, which is easy enough to replace, and has good access for bucking the rivets. The trailing edge is made up of sections about 3ft long, so it's easy to replace shorter sections than it would be if it was all one piece. So, the damage is only on a particular section. The whole trailing edge would not need replacement. The majority of the damage is on only one of the trailing edges. There are also 2 photos prior to the paperwork of the main structural blade assembly. It has an abrasion about 3ft from the mount area.
Regarding the blade assembly: these are combination extrusion/forging one-piece assemblies for the structural leading edge parts of the blade, wherein the sheet metal trailing end of the blade is held to the blade assembly with 2 long hinge pin rods.
Also included, as you can see in the photos, is the swash plate and drag link along with the T-strap blade attachments.
I don't know of many blades that have been available for many years. This would be good for a museum that needs to complete something, or someone who has a helicopter that needs blade components, or someone who was interested in trying to develop an airjet.
These blades were originally on the Honcho, many years ago.
Along with the blades comes a performance evaluation done by the U.S. Air Force in 1960. This is a complete, 78-page, well-documented piece with performance charts covering an airjet helicopter.
Everything is being sold as-is and in need of repair.
Offers are accepted on this listing.
- Deposit type: 1
- Condition: New
- Deposit amount: 1000.0